Online Golf Lessons - How they work
Fix your Faults

Martin has a vast knowledge of golf instruction and has worked with some of the highest qualified coaches around – let him fix your problems and get you on the road to recovery.
It's Really Simple

All you need to do is film any part of your game on a smartphone and simply email it to us – see below for details. Martin will email you back within 48 hours.
Pricing Options

Want a quick fix, there’s a one-off option, want to improve your game then we have the package deal offering extra value for money. Whatever you decide you’ve started on the right path to improve your golf.
Instruction for filming your swing:
Filming from Face On
Make sure the camera is at hands/belt height.
Try to get the hands in the middle of the camera frame and make sure the filming is done perpendicular to where you are standing.
Feet and ball close to the bottom of the frame.
Leave enough room to get the club in view above the golfer.
Filming from Down the Line
Make sure the camera is at hands/belt height.
Try to get the hands in the middle of the camera frame.
Again feet and ball at the bottom of the frame.
The camera should be in line with the hands!
Again leave enough room at the top for the club.
Do's and Dont's
Do make sure you check all your folders for our reply – our emails sometimes go into the spam folder.
Always film from the same place we suggested, the error’s in filming could produce errors in diagnoses.
Never use a backlight as this distorts the filming.
Send you two clips to: